A downloadable game

"If the world hates you, just remember, that it has hated me first"
        - Jesus Christ

Born into a world where oddities trumps fact... Into a weird world of slime, war, and prophecies... Liam sails across the vast, empty ocean to save his world-- His family from an array of beasts and villains who aim for nothing but domination.

Play as Liam as he embarks on a quest to find the Otherworld's version of his robot to stop him from resetting the universe.

You will fight monsters, demons, slimes, and adorable creatures harboring world ending radioactive powers!

You can enlist the help of 42 different party members on your quest, each with altering (yet similar) skillsets!

Encounter close to 300 different enemies and bosses, and take them down with a vast interchangeable range of equipment all with different values and uses! 

(The game currently has no known release date.)


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